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Total Parking Chaos

Parking cars? Yawn-worthy. But launching them full throttle into a parking lot? Now we're talking!

Oh.  Did I mention?  These cars have no brakes.

To get that perfect park, you'll have to smash your friends out of their spots, drive with precision,
and call in the heavy vehicles to plow through the parking pileup.



Up to 4 players

Smash into your friends to secure your parking spot.  Mix-and-match online, gamepads, and crowding around a keyboard.

Party gaming as it was meant to be!

Hugely Replayable

With over 10 uniquely crafted levels, 30+ different vehicles, and more coming all the time, you're sure to have a blast every time you play!

Constantly Changing

Emergency Parking Only takes a different approach to game development.  Rather than waiting weeks or months for an update, the game is typically updated multiple times a week with new features, content, bugfixes, and more.

Join the discussion on the official Discord server and share your thoughts on what should come next!

About the Developer

Profile Picture of Geoff

Geoff is a solo indie developer who has created games as a hobby basically his entire life and finally decided to make a go of doing the indie dev thing in 2024.  With well over a decade in the software engineering industry, including strong contributions at notable companies such as Xfire and Fandom, he's a strong advocate for iterative development.  This passion for experimentation and rapid response to feedback is why Emergency Parking Only receives multiple updates each week when possible.

Some of Geoff's favorite games include Risk of Rain, 7 Days to Die, Final Fantasy, and Camel Cup.


Dive into the Community!

Emergency Parking Only is always on the move, shifting and shaping itself around the insights and suggestions of our players. And guess what? You’ll be in great company with a vibrant community of awesome individuals!

Join the Discord

  • Pitch your brilliant feature suggestions
  • Report any bugs you encounter
  • Seek out technical assistance
  • Mingle with some of the coolest people around

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